What is ot?

Occupational therapists help people of all ages participate in life’s meaningful activities. Pediatric therapy often looks like play! Mel is committed to using a client centered, child-led approach which focuses on using the child's motivation as the guide for therapy sessions. 

What we help?

  • Increases fine motor skills to help children grasp toys and use writing implements effectively
  • Enhances eye-hand coordination skills to improve catching/throwing and play skills
  • Develops age appropriate self care skills like brushing teeth or putting on shoes
  • Promotes self regulatory and sensory processing skills needed to interact with their environment

who we help?

Mel has worked with children and adults with a variety of abilities and needs. Some of the common diagnoses she has treated include:

  • Developmental Delays
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Sensory Processing Disorders
  • Birth Injuries
  • Motor Coordination Difficulties